With shoppers awaiting Amazon’s annual shopping holiday, credit card issuers encouraged spending on the site.
Ahead of Amazon Prime Day, Discover promoted deals on the site for Discover cardholders.
On October 1, 2020, Discover began running display ads promoting 20% off select Amazon.com products. The company continued to run ads promoting $15 off on the site when a shopper makes Discover their default card.
Both of these offers are well-suited to generate buzz for Prime Day, October 13-14, 2020. Shoppers, already primed to be in the mood to get deals, might be looking to maximize savings on the day—something Discover could help with.
Citi and American Express got in on pre-Prime Day excitement too. Much like Discover, neither issuer specifically mentioned Prime Day and instead simply encouraged shoppers to use their cards on Amazon. Since Prime Day is for Prime members only, Amex’s offer on a Prime membership may be the more relevant of the two. Regardless, both issuers, along with Discover, were encouraging Amazon shopping at exactly the right time: when people are already looking forward to shopping on Amazon and are looking for ways to save money.
Rachel Arndt is a Marketing Intelligence director. Drawing on marketing intelligence data, she delivers custom insights by uncovering how brands are marketing—and what they should be doing to move their strategies forward.
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