Chime bank runs its first television spot in over a year

Chime bank runs its first television spot in over a year

Updated: June 26, 2019
2 minutes read

Chime Bank is flipping the script.

For the last year, the entirety of its digital advertising focused on Facebook and Snapchat, and led with the same message: “A bank account with no hidden fees that gets you paid up to two days early.” Adding weight to the claim is a 2017 Nerdwallet award which appears in some of the work. Total Facebook spend in just the last month hit over $1M.

In a new move, however, they recently launched a television spot. Their first in over a year. It’s a fun scene that features two boutique shop employees, where one gets paid early via the Chime app. It ran on Viceland, ION Television, WE Network, MLB, and BBC America for a total spend of $60K (Mintel analysis of Media Radar as of 06/24/19).

What We Think

Chime Bank has been leaning on the same channels of communication, using relatively the same creative and messaging. While great for brand consistency, they were ripe for change. Adding television to their advertising strategy drives home their point of difference, but in a more tangible way. Even if the core message matches the digital work, television places Chime’s brand benefits in a real-world context. This creates situational relevancy which can lead to higher consumer consideration.

Since Chime only ran one television spot across a variety of networks we expect them to leverage the results as a test and learn in order to optimize this channel going forward.

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Nicole Bensi
Nicole Bensi

Nicole Bensi is Director of Competitive Intelligence at Comperemedia, responsible for leading a team of analysts that develop custom reports across financial services to provide omnichannel analysis and competitive insight.

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