Comperemedia’s industry-leading data, expert analysis, and world-class technology allows us to dive deep into marketing campaigns across multiple channels. In 2019, our experts analyzed thousands of omnichannel campaigns from companies and brands in financial services, telecom, insurance, retail and more.
So, which campaigns stand out from the crowd? Here are our analysts’ top omnichannel campaign picks of 2019:
Brand: Casper
“Casper complements its heavy online presence with direct mail and brick-and-mortar retail stores, using social media to tie everything together. In direct mail, Casper sends promo codes that can be redeemed in-store or online. On social media, the company promotes original content (such as the Casper Sleep Channel on YouTube) and its stores. In its stores, it gives shoppers a truly Instagrammable experience- which sends them back online.” -Rachel Arndt, Senior Research Analyst
Brand: Ally Bank
“For an online bank, Ally is known for its exceptional customer service. A campaign that stands out to me is Home Team for mortgage and loan customers. Ally provided a dedicated team of professionals to provide the human assistance aspect of an entirely digital process.” – Christina Han, Associate Research Analyst
Brand: Carvana
“Carvana advertises heavily in a mix of media including direct mail, email, online display ads, and mobile. As a company that prides itself as the “company who invented car vending machines,” they use a variety of channels to emphasize the simplicity of the car purchasing and selling process, all done online or on their mobile app.” – Christina Han, Associate Research Analyst
Brand: Sephora
“Aside from their consistent VIB communication emails and mailings about special discounts or new product releases, Sephora also features AI capabilities on their app. All communications whether its mail, email, or online display ads are all catered to enhance the customer’s shopping experience.” – Christina Han, Associate Research Analyst
Brand: Robinhood
“Robinhood had a big year in 2019, full of product (re)launches, mergers, and new campaigns and creative strategies. Most notable would be its use of leveraging the onslaught of incoming 2019 unicorn IPOs to inspire new users to sign up for the platform via a paid Facebook campaign. The move helped reach its sweet spot: Millennials new to investing. It also tied seamlessly to its buyout of email newsletter MarketSnacks, now branded as Robinhood Snacks, which allowed the startup to provide continued US Market news and advice to customers and prospects. These news and recommendations helped position Robinhood not just as an investing platform, but a hub of expert advice and knowledge.”- Lierin Ehmke, Senior Digital Marketing Analyst
Brand: Discover
“The offer includes an outer envelope message positioning the offer as a ‘private pass’, and inside a QR code provides an invitation number. The piece incentivizes using the QR code to complete the application, because the recipients’ ‘personalized application info’ is pre-filled into the application.” – Eric Fahey, Director of Content and Analytics
Brand: IHG Rewards Club
“IHG sent a card to new customers informing them the program had “gone digital.” Recipients could use the QR code to access the virtual card, or follow the instructions to view on the mobile app.”- Eric Fahey, Director of Content and Analytics
Brand: Caesars Rewards
“Cases informed customers it would be going digital “to help the environment” and invited recipients to register their emails to continue to receive offers.” -Eric Fahey, Director of Content and Analytics
Brand: Wayfair
“Not just this campaign, but many Wayfair campaigns showcase the capabilities of augmented reality to ‘view before you buy’; the DM piece uses technology in order to bridge the gap of buying online with no stores or showrooms.”- Eric Fahey, Director of Content and Analytics
Brand: Capital One
“Capital One is spearheading innovation by reimagining banks as community spaces, particularly in savings campaigns. Capital One advertising seamlessly weaves the imagery of its cafes throughout its marketing creative from social to direct, helping bridge tech and non-tech users in a casual way.” – Rachael Warren, Insights Analyst
We look forward to seeing what omnichannel campaigns stand out going into 2020!
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