Behind the data are our world-class thought leaders. Over the next month, we will be introducing you to the people responsible for Comperemedia’s industry expertise.
Get to know Comperemedia Senior Digital Marketing Analyst, Jeannette Ornelas. Jeannette is responsible for producing syndicated and custom reports and providing marketing insights across a range of industry sectors and channel, with a special focus on social media
and influencer marketing.
Q: What topics do you specialize in?
A: Social media and omnichannel marketing trends.
Q: How did you get to where you are now?
A: My passion for marketing has been driven by a keen interest in understanding how consumer habits and motivations are gleaned to drive market strategies that adapt to an evolving digital world. Prior to joining Mintel, I spent a couple of years on the agency side, delivering ongoing brand insights for a range of clients on national and global scales. It was a startup agency, which allowed me to play many roles and gain experience across a range of disciplines: research, analytics, content strategy, account management. I learned a lot but I craved access to more insights, insights we didn’t always have at our disposal. I wanted to better understand “the why” and that led me to Mintel.
Q: If you could have lunch with anyone in your industry, who would it be and why?
A: Nadine Dietz, Chief Community Officer and Host of CMO Moves at Adweek. She is dedicated to sharing the success tips of great marketers through CMO Moves Podcast and profile series Innovators, Women Trailblazers, Challengers, and Gen ZEOs and Brand Geniuses.
Q: Tell us about a brand campaign or shift in strategy that has recently caught your eye?
A: With increasing digital touchpoints we’ve seen marketers become focused on bottom-of-the-funnel tactics that drive short-term conversions at the expense of strategies that help to drive ongoing engagement and build longer-term brand equity. As more companies make the customer experience a priority, we will continue to see a shift toward data-driven creative strategies that understand the changing behaviors of consumers both online and off.
Q: What is your favorite part about your job?
A: I’m always learning something new. Whether it’s keeping up with new tools, industry news, changing consumer behaviors, or the latest social media trend, there is always something causing a ripple in the industry and creating a need to adjust your strategy.
Q: Last but not least- tell a fun fact about yourself.
A: A friend and I recently launched a passion project on Instagram: @20somethingwine. We believe great wine can be affordable and approachable and are on a mission to build a community of learning and appreciation for high-quality wines on a “twenty-something” budget.
Jeannette Ornelas is a Senior Digital Marketing Analyst for Comperemedia. Jeannette is responsible for producing syndicated and custom reports and providing marketing insights across a range of industry sectors and channels.
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