Since more than 6 in 10 US consumers don’t always believe mainstream brands that say they are sustainable or eco-friendly, Telecom providers need to focus on ways to detail environmental initiatives in a way that connects more closely to their products or services. Homing in on a concentrated effort to present products made from sustainable materials or explaining why certain services are better for the planet elevates green initiatives above public relations.
To avoid “greenwashing,” or trying to impress consumers with environmental buzzwords, brands can showcase how their sustainable objectives are already impacting the planet positively. In the telecom space specifically, a focus on technology that is desperately needed to innovate environmental improvement plans can boost positive sentiment for a brand and prove to hesitant consumers that a provider is committed to ESG claims.
Fiber Products
Since fiber products do not require the mining of copper as traditional cables do, telecom brands highlighted the offering as a greener option that has a less-severe impact on the environment.
Frontier Communications included the sustainable nature of fiber as a value-add to convince hesitant consumers that speed and reliability would not be sacrificed if customers chose a greener option.
Source: Comperemedia Direct [3/1/22-3/14/23] as of 3/27/23, Comperemedia Omni [3/1/22-3/14/23] as of 3/27/23, Fiber Communications
Solar Offerings
Vivint positioned its Smart Energy product, namely its solar offering, with two benefits: a saving opportunity for the customer and a chance to improve the planet.
While a sustainable option might be seen as a value-add, customers will likely prioritize savings first. Vivint drew consumers in by leading with savings and sweetened the product with a chance to implement a greener solution in one’s home.
Subject Line: Solar Savings this Earth Day
Source: ePerformance/eDatasource [3/1/22-3/14/23] as of 3/27/23
Product Packaging
More than one-third of US consumers claimed that product packaging is important when deciding what to buy. Comcast highlighted how its shipping and billing cut down on waste to resonate with those customers.
Subject Line: Soon your Xfinity bill will be paperless
Selling the sustainability of products and services can help Telecom brands connect with consumers who would be willing to pay more for something that will make them feel like they are doing their part for the planet as long as they take the necessary steps toward transparency.
Want to learn more? Contact us.
Bella Broccolo is an Associate Research Analyst with Comperemedia, specializing in omni-channel marketing trends.
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